How have we been doing


We publish as much information as we can – that brings you information about how each team is performing and the feedback we get from our tenants and customers.

We want you to understand what you can expect from us, how we are listening and making changes to improve our service, along with meeting our legal and regulatory requirements.

How have we been doing?

In every issue we are going to give you information about the things Encircle Housing staff are doing across their teams. Below are the results from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024

What the emojis mean

We have improved


We did better last quarter

New homes

11 Tenants moved into new homes

4 New properties developed by Encircle Housing


Repair works were completed within our timescale

100% Emergency repairs were attended to within 4 hours

100% Urgent repairs were attended to within 5 days

91.2% Non-urgent repairs were attended to within 20 days

100% Gas safety checks were completed

100% Electrical safety checks were completed

100% Fire safety checks were completed

100% Asbestos safety checks were carried out

100% Water safety checks were carried out


9 Anti-social behaviour cases needed to be investigated by the Housing Team at Encircle Housing


1 x Stage 1 complaint and 1 x priority response were received. The Stage 1 complaint was resolved within the target date of 10 working days

About the complaints

Stage 1 complaint: The contractor did not attend the tenant's home on the agreed date to discuss the paint colour choices or arrange a date for the works.

How did we deal with the Stage 1 complaint?: We spoke to the contractor to ensure that the tenant was involved throughout. We agreed when the work was carried out and confirmed this in writing. The tenant loves the new fresh colours in her home.

Priority response: Several repairs had not been completed by the contractor over a period of time.

How did we deal with the priority responses?: We instructed a new contractor to carry out the repair work and made sure all the work was completed by the agreed date.

Tenant satisfaction

Out of 277 completed the Tenant Satisfaction Survey in the summer 2023:

98% of tenants responded

Safety and security


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the safety and security of their home.


We are improving this by ensuring that high standard locks are fitted to all external doors and checking the quality of these doors annually.

90% of tenants responded



of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we treat tenants with respect.


We are going to work with our tenants to get a better understanding about this result. We are going to encourage tenants to tell us if they are unhappy with our staff or services.

98% of tenants responded

Tenant satisfaction


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the overall service they receive from us.


We are focussing on improving garden maintenance and communal cleaning in our tenant’s homes

63% of tenants responded

Speed of repair


of our tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the time it takes to complete a repair.


We are improving this by working with our contractors to fix more repairs during the first visit.

67% of tenants responded

Quality of repair


of those tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with our repairs service.


We are improving this by follow up calls and tighter monitoring of outstanding repairs.

95% of tenants responded

Home maintenance


of those tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we provide a home that is well maintained.


We are improving this with our planned painting programme.

89% of tenants responded



of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we keep tenants informed about things that matter to them.


More copies of Our Voice newsletter are sent to tenant’s homes and we are emailing a copy to care providers to share with our tenants.

88% of tenants responded

Listening to you


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we listen to tenants’ views and act on them.


We are setting up our first pilot focus group to gather more tenant views.

64% of tenants responded

Anti-social behaviour


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour.


More copies of Our Voice newsletter are sent to tenant’s homes and we are emailing a copy to care providers to share with our tenants.

98% of tenants responded

Open and honest communication


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we are open and honest.


We are setting up our first pilot focus group to gather more tenant views.

75% of tenants responded

Neighbourhood engagement


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied that we are making a positive contribution to your neighbourhood.


More copies of Our Voice newsletter are sent to tenant’s homes and we are emailing a copy to care providers to share with our tenants.

36% of tenants responded

Handling complaints


of tenants are very satisfied or fairly satisfied with our approach to handling a complaint.


We are setting up our first pilot focus group to gather more tenant views.

Suggestions and comments about tenant’s homes, and / or the service received from Encircle Housing

Communal lounge and kitchen needs painting

We launched our first planned painting programme last autumn along with our brand new modern colours for our tenant’s homes. The paint has been developed with a major paint manufacturer to be hard wearing and fire rated. We will be in contact with our tenants a few months before we are due to paint their home so they can choose the colours and arrange a date to start the works.

Not a lot of information is provided

We produce our tenants’ newsletter, Our Voice four times a year. This is posted out to our tenants and emailed to care providers to share with tenants. The newsletter shares information about tenant involvement, news in the housing and repairs team, top tips for the home and shows how we are doing. Tenants wanted to meet other tenants, so we often include stories about people’s lives. A ‘Meet the team’ leaflet was sent to tenants last year. We are currently updating this with the new members in our team.

The repairs service is improving

We have recruited more staff to deal with repairs and gardening and cleaning services. We redeveloped a new online Repairs Survey that has successfully increased the amount of feedback we receive after each repair. We are going to collate the views and feedback how these are helping us to improve our service.

Tenant focus groups

In the Tenant Satisfaction Survey, we asked tenants what topics are important to them and their home. We are discussing the four themes below.


of tenants chose communications


of tenants chose tenant Involvement


of tenants chose housing


of tenants chose repairs

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